I’m Evan aka TheWebUiGuy.

I started off my career as a designer, after givnig that a go for a while I decided that I wanted to switch to development. During my college years I had learned HTML, CSS and Wordpress. I then went on to learn JavaScript, React and Next.js. I have been developing for the past 10 years and I love it.

I started my development journey in a VOIP Telecoms company, building interfaces for real time call centre management. I then got the opportunity to work for a company in Hamburg developing fraud and risk detection software. It was here that I really got into working with webpack which lead me to VSWare.

I started working with VSWare in 2017 and worked my way from a senior developer the whole way up to the head of frontend development in the company. Eventually an opportunity to work for HubSpot arose and the opportunity was too good to pass up.

I have been working for HubSpot for the past 4 years and I have loved every minute of it. I have been able to work on some amazing projects, work with amazing people and learn so much from my time there.

One thing during my time in all of these positions remained constant my love of developing, during all of my free time I've developed, apps, npm packages and websites. Some of them are available in the projects page.